Curriculum Overview
SEPTEMBER: Who am I? Where do I live?
Our primary focus in September is teaching/learning classroom routines and expectations, as well as familiarizing children and families with the school environment and classroom setting.
Goal #1: Children learn that we live on Bainbridge Island which is an island in the Puget Sound. We explore topics related to the ocean and seashore using literacy, math, and science concepts to deepen our understanding of the uniqueness of our community.
Goal #2: The Pre-K class also begins to discuss emotions, strategies for working through uncomfortable feelings, and specific problem-solving strategies. This remains a common theme throughout the year.
OCTOBER: What do I eat? Where does it come from?
Goal: Children learn that we have unique foods and goods because of the climate and community in which we live. We explore how the fall season affects our local harvest. We also explore the animals that provide us with these foods. Both classes visit the Suyematsu pumpkin patch to learn more about pumpkins/gourds and explore the farm.
NOVEMBER: Who lives and works in my community? How do we get from here to there?
Goal: Children learn that there are many people in our community who work hard to keep us safe, healthy, and happy. We explore some of these jobs, as well as their respective modes of transportation. Community members, such as firefighters and policemen, come to the school to provide hands-on learning for the children. The Pre-K class often goes on a field trip to the grocery store or veterinary clinic to deepen their understanding of community helpers.
DECEMBER: How do I celebrate? How do others celebrate?
Goal: Children will learn that we all have special holiday traditions that we celebrate as a family. Other families may celebrate the same holidays, but many people around the world celebrate different holidays. How are these holidays the same and how are they different?
JANUARY: What does Winter look like where I live? What are the different seasons throughout the year?
Goal #1: Children will explore winter weather norms where they live and explore how these weather forms (rain, snow, wind) compare to other places and climates around the world. How do different animals, including humans, manage to survive during the cold winter months?
FEBRUARY: Who are the most important people in my life? In my friend's lives? How do we show them that we care?
Goal #1: Children learn that our family structures are all different and important. We celebrate the unique make ups of our family and friend structures. In preparation for our pajama day, we also explore the concept of opposites - especially day and night (what happens in/around our home during the day? during the night?) - and bears (what comforts you at night?)
Goal #2: The Pre-K class explores the art of letter writing. We write letters to our families for Valentine's Day.
MARCH: Why are stories important for my social, cognitive, and academic growth? What do I gain from story-telling with my friends and family?
Goal: Children learn that stories play an important role in who we are. Nursery rhymes, many of them slightly different between families, encourage children's literacy growth through rhyme, repetition, and imagination. The puppet theater, felt and magnet stories, story-telling table toys, and a fantasy-themed playhouse are all available to children to develop their story-telling skills an interests. Both classes end the month with a special class "show" where children have the opportunity to showcase their own stories and handmade toys (Preschool makes puppets, Pre-K makes fairy houses)
APRIL: What does Spring look like where I live? What different animals arrive with spring?
Goal: Children learn that Spring is a time for new life. Bainbridge Island has many unique, native animals - many of which hatch from eggs. We explore these animals within the classroom as well as outside on our nature trail. We often host chicks in the classroom for about a week so the children can observe their rapid growth. The Pre-K lass often visits the Bainbridge Island Art Museum this month as well.
MAY: What plants and flowers grow where I live? Why?
Goal: Children learn that warm, wet Spring weather creates new life all around us. We explore the plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits that grow natively/easily where we live. We also explore the importance of worms in helping make this growth possible. Both classes plant seeds in the school garden and tend to their growth throughout the month.